Types In Workflow Designer

Here’s an overview of the node types and a step-by-step tutorial to help you get started.
Types in Workflow Designer.

Node Types

  1. Start/Stop Nodes

    • Purpose: Define the beginning and end of your workflow.
    • How to Use:
      • Click once on the Start/Stop Type icon to add the Start Node, marking the beginning of your workflow.
      • Click again on the same icon to add the End Node, indicating the completion of your workflow.
  2. Steps

    • Purpose: Outline major tasks or stages within your workflow.
    • How to Use:
      • Click on the Step Type icon to add a Step.
      • Use Steps to represent the primary actions or milestones that need to be completed.
  3. Substeps

    • Purpose: Break down complex tasks into detailed actions.
    • How to Use:
      • Click on the Substep Type icon to add a Substep within a Step.
      • Substeps allow you to further divide and detail tasks defined in Steps.
      • Click the '+' icon within a Substep to create additional levels of detail if needed.
  4. Decision Node

    • Purpose: Implement decision-making within tasks to guide the next steps.
    • How to Use:
      • Click on the Decision Node icon to insert it into your workflow.
      • Ensure you have at least two Steps defined in your workflow.
      • Connect Steps to the Decision Node with arrows to direct the flow based on specific criteria.

By using these nodes effectively, you can design well-structured workflows that clearly define task progression, manage complexity, and incorporate conditional logic.


  • Ensure you click the appropriate icons (Start/Stop, Step, Substep) to add each type of node.
  • Use the '+' icon within Substeps to add more detailed actions or tasks.
  • Connect nodes sequentially to establish a logical progression in your workflow design.

By following these steps, you can efficiently design and manage workflows tailored to your specific needs using DropsLab Core's versatile Workflow Designer. Enjoy exploring the possibilities and enhancing your task management capabilities!