Workflow Designer

The Workflow Designer is a versatile platform for designing workflows, equipped with a variety of tools to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. This guide will help you understand its key features and how to utilize them effectively.

Key Features

Node Types

  • Start/End Nodes: Define the beginning and end of your workflow to clearly mark its boundaries.
  • Steps: Represent the main actions or stages in your workflow, allowing you to outline the sequence of tasks.
  • Substeps: Break down complex steps into smaller, more manageable tasks, making detailed process management easier.
  • Decision Nodes: Incorporate conditional logic to direct the workflow based on specific criteria, facilitating dynamic process adjustments.


  • Tags : Add tags to different node types to improve organization and execution. Tags help categorize and prioritize tasks, enhancing workflow efficiency.
  • Tag Parameter Values: Include parameter values with tags to provide additional context and details, improving the clarity and precision of your workflow steps.

Media Files

  • Importing Media: Add media files from the existing media library to your workflow nodes. This allows you to use pre-uploaded media to enhance your workflow's visual and informational quality.
  • Uploading Media: Directly upload new media files from your desktop into workflow nodes. This feature is useful for integrating fresh content that is not yet in the media library.

Zoom In/Out

  • Adjust Zoom Levels: Change the zoom level to view the workflow at different scales. This functionality helps you navigate complex workflows by focusing on specific details or the overall process.

Grid Adjustment

  • Aligning Nodes: Use grid adjustment to align nodes precisely, maintaining a clean and organized workflow layout. This ensures visual clarity and consistency in your design.

Additional Features

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for easy workflow creation and management, with an intuitive layout.
  • Flexible Customization: Tailor workflows to meet specific needs and requirements.
  • Collaboration Tools: Support for real-time collaboration, allowing team members to create and modify workflows seamlessly.

Benefits of Using the Workflow Designer

  • Improved Efficiency: Streamline processes by clearly defining each step and decision point.
  • Enhanced Clarity: Provide detailed instructions and context through tags and parameter values.
  • Better Collaboration: Share and refine workflows with team members for more effective outcomes.
  • Visual Guidance: Utilize media files to enhance engagement and understanding.
  • Precision and Organization: Maintain a well-organized layout with zoom and grid adjustment features.

The Workflow Designer in DropsLab Core empowers users to design, manage, and optimize workflows effectively, ensuring processes are both clear and efficient. For detailed instructions on specific features such as importing and uploading media files, refer to our dedicated guides.